by Ousmane Mariko
Dell stops selling Venue Pro in the U.S.
PC World: Dell Ends Smartphone Sales in the US This isn’t necessarily interesting news for many, but it is for me. From the leaks many moons ago and its “Lightning” codename, I loved this phone. I bought it — twice — and I still loved it. There’s one on my desk as I’m writing this […]
Jason Perlow is sick of Android
ZDNet: I’m sick to death of Android And I’ve also decided that until the support situation substantially improves, I am no longer going to recommend Android-based products to my friends, family and colleagues. I’ll point them towards Apple’s iOS and Microsoft’s Windows Phone instead. Already there.
Laughably bad Asus Transformer sales figures
TechCrunch: Judge: Asus Transformer Isn’t Infringing On Hasbro’s Trademark – And Asus Reveals Embarrassing Sales Stats So when court filings reveal that pre-orders for this poster child for Android 4 tablets (and it does look great) total a whopping 2,000 units as of a month ago, it’s kind of a letdown. That and 80,000 going […]
Android tablets aren’t that good
Gotta Be Mobile: Why I didn’t by an Android tablet yesterday I couldn’t see myself tossing dollars at a Tablet strategy that offered no rhyme nor reason, much less rational thought behind it. Yup.
Ken Levine, Mike Mika, and Dan Daglow on getting into the gaming industry
When it comes to getting into making video games, there are few that know better than Ken Levine, Dan Daglow, and Mike Mika. I was fortunate enough to pick their brains for a few minutes on the matter. The verdict? Get in through Q&A and love what you do. Ken Levine, Irrational Games: You know, […]
Good game design and game art
At the Evolution of Video Games panel at the Smithsonian American Art Museum, I asked a few of the panelists as to which games on the market really impressed them. Ken Levine, Irrational Games: I thought Limbo was a beautiful visual experience because instead of going bigger, and broader, and more colorful, it went the opposite […]

The ‘Evolution of Video Games’ panel
The Smithsonian American Art Museum began their The Art of Video Games exhibit on Friday. The Evolution of Video Games panel, headed by Chris Melissinos, kicked off the festivities with an all-star cast of industry experts. The first panel consisted of pioneers of the gaming industry. In attendance were the following: Mike Mika – Chief Creative […]
‘No, I’m good’
In the video Peter Rojas (founder of Engadget, Gizmodo, and gdgt) talks worst-case scenario for online piracy killing content industries. His argument: scarcity of new content will actually create an abundance of old content. We already have enough books, television, music, and YouTube — basically all forms of consumable content — to last anyone a […]
iPad review roundup: it’s all about the screen
The iPad reviews are out, and — surprise, surprise — they’re positive. Even less surprising, the super high-res 2048×1536 pixel display was highly praised. I was able to get a look at the new iPad’s screen late last week, and there isn’t anything more impressive than its screen at the moment. It is beyond crisp, […]
‘After 244 Years, Encyclopaedia Britannica Stops the Presses’
New York Times: After 244 Years, Encyclopaedia Britannica Stops the Presses In an acknowledgment of the realities of the digital age — and of competition from the Web site Wikipedia — Encyclopaedia Britannica will focus primarily on its online encyclopedias and educational curriculum for schools. The last print version is the 32-volume 2010 edition, which […]
The 95 percent
Sparrow Sparrow, a fantastic Gmail app for the Mac, is making its way to the iPhone, and it’s 95 percent done. Shouldn’t be much longer.
Path 2.1
Path We are delighted to announce Nike as the first Path API partner. Starting today, you can connect Nike+ GPS to Path to share your runs, in real time, with your family and close friends. […] We’ve also taken time with 2.1 to improve two popular Path stories: Music and Photos. To Music, we’ve added […]
GDC awards
Here’s a rundown of the Game Developers Choice awards. I’m a tad impartial, but I’m glad to see Portal 2 and Bastion getting the recognition they deserve. Game of the Year The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Bethesda Game Studios) Innovation Award Johann Sebastian Joust (Die Gute Fabrik) Best Debut Supergiant Games (Bastion) Best Audio Portal […]
‘The new iPad’
Prediction: the next iPhone will be marketed as “the new iPhone” and will simply be called “iPhone.” The number scheme is useless at this point, and dropping the numbers makes a ton of sense. iPhone – first iPhone. iPhone 3G – second iPhone. iPhone 3GS – third iPhone. iPhone 4 – fourth iPhone. iPhone 4S […]
SmartPlanet talks to Bill Nye
SmartPlanet: Q&A: Bill Nye, the Planetary Guy Looking back on Bill Nye the Science Guy, how would the show need to change if you were making it for kids today? There are some details. We might have Madonna, but we’d have Lady Gaga. We wouldn’t have the Spin Doctors, we’d have Rihanna. We would be […]
Valve working on ‘Steam Box’ console?
Joshua Topolsky of The Verge: According to sources, the company has been working on a hardware spec and associated software which would make up the backbone of a “Steam Box.” The actual devices may be made by a variety of partners, and the software would be readily available to any company that wants to get […]
Give it five minutes
Jason Fried: Give it five minutes There are two things in this world that take no skill: 1. Spending other people’s money and 2. Dismissing an idea. Dismissing an idea is so easy because it doesn’t involve any work. You can scoff at it. You can ignore it. You can puff some smoke at it. […]
The web is a set of filters
Arnold Kim Because a lot of what we do is to curate and filter the web. MacRumors happens to filter against Apple news and rumors. If that’s the topic you are interested and you like the content we filter, then MacRumors is a great fit for you. That’s not everyone’s goal, of course. Traditional journalists […]

Assassin’s Creed 3 box art subtleties
While looking at the different Assassin’s Creed 3 box art, I found it interesting that Ubisoft made sure to note the region each of the covers belonged to. After a closer look, I realized why. Firstly, the color tones are slightly different. It’s seemingly minor, but the European box art features warmer colors than the […]
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