by Ousmane Mariko

The most popular Android tablet is still keeping its identity secret
Previously on The Spiral Source… The most interesting Android tablet is keeping its identity secret
Shitty article of the week
Forbes: Five Signs That Apple Is A Bubble Right off the bat: Apple is Apple because of Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs is gone. Unless we are prepared to suddenly de-deify the god of technology quickly, how can we expect Apple to maintain its supernatural talents now that its mastermind has passed away? Great men do […]
Google Drive
Google: Introducing Google Drive… yes, really Worst. Kept. Secret. Second only to the PSP Go.
Cartoon laws of physics
Cartoon Laws of Physics Cartoon Law I Any body suspended in space will remain in space until made aware of its situation. Cartoon Law III Any body passing through solid matter will leave a perforation conforming to its perimeter.

How engines work
If you’d like to see how all of the different types of engines work, this site is pretty cool.
The Atlantic interviews Jonathan Blow
The Atlantic: The Most Dangerous Gamer “It just drives home how fictional money is,” Blow said, squinting against the unseasonably bright December sun. “One day I’m looking at my bank account and there’s not much money, and the next day there’s a large number in there and I’m rich. In both cases, it’s a fictional […]
Adobe CS6 pricing
TechCrunch: Adobe Officially Unveils CS6 And Its $49/Month All-Inclusive Creative Cloud Subscription Service Photoshop can’t even handle rendering this crazy table here, I don’t think.
‘Portal’ turret goes skydiving
These things are adorable
10 million in 10 days
TechCrunch: Instagram’s User Count Now At 40 Million, Saw 10 Million New Users In Last 10 Days Since the launch of its Android app, Instagram’s user base grew from 30 to 40 million. That’s over 1,000,000 new users a day. Now, I’m sure it’s not all Android users — buzz factor alone will drive new iPhone […]
Google tests augmented-reality glasses
NYT: Google Begins Testing Its Augmented-Reality Glasses One person who had used the glasses said: “They let technology get out of your way. If I want to take a picture I don’t have to reach into my pocket and take out my phone; I just press a button at the top of the glasses and that’s […]
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