by Ousmane Mariko
‘Quarrel’ on the Xbox
Sidequesting: Review: Quarrel (XBLA) I didn’t clock much time in with Quarrel on iOS, but I did prefer the controls on that platform. Cycling through letters with the analog stick is not as easy as using a touchscreen, but it isn’t a problem in the big picture. The added multiplayer and Challenge mode more than […]
Fun fact: iPhones on AT&T
AT&T 7.6 million of the 9.4 million phones AT&T sold from October to December of last year were iPhones.
Where should the iPhone be manufactured?
A few days ago, I linked to a New York Times story that explained why the iPhone is manufactured in China as opposed to in the United States. While interesting, it surely adds to people’s concern that jobs are being outsourced. And with the economy the way it is now, who can blame them? According […]
The future of television, according to Netflix
Netflix Over the next few years, UIs will evolve in astounding ways, such as allowing viewers to watch eight simultaneous games on ESPN, color coding where the best action is in a given moment or allowing Olympics fans the ability to control their own slow-motion replays. A decade from now, choosing a linear feed from a broadcast […]
Interview attire for startups
Business Insider: How To Nail A Startup Interview: ‘We Don’t Care What You Look Like, Just Don’t Smell’ Best line ever: CEO Matthew Roche… “Engineering – wear clothing.”
Sam Biddle, Gizmodo: Ultrabook: The New Most Meaningless Word in Tech “The Ultrabook” is less a thing than a marketing idea carefully baked by Intel: let’s spend hundreds of millions of dollars promoting a word (Ultrabook), and in turn, companies can use that word to sell thin, fast, light computers. Tablets (iPads) and the MacBook Air […]

Apple is making money hand over fist
Apple just announced their financial results for their last quarter, and it was a monster quarter. Or, as MG Siegler put it, holy fucking shit. In total, the Cupertino sold: 37 million iPhones 15.4 million iPods 15.4 million iPads 1.5 million iMacs 3.7 million Macbooks One more interesting bit of information regarding the iPhone: 4.7 […]
Voice to text
Whatever happened to Siri?
Rumor: Microsoft Points on way out
Inside Mobile Apps: MIcrosoft to discontinue its virtual currency system Microsoft Points Microsoft’s proprietary virtual currency system, Microsoft Points, will be phased out by the end of the year, according to a source with knowledge of the company’s decision. The change will affect developers for Windows Phone, the Zune marketplace and Xbox Live. By the […]
The aftermath of the T-Mobile-AT&T deal
All Things D / WSJ: T-Mobile, AT&T Seek Approval of Spectrum Transfer T-Mobile USA and AT&T Inc. filed a request with the U.S. Federal Communications Commission for approval of the transfer of $1 billion in wireless airwaves AT&T promised as a result of the failure of its $39 billion bid to take over its smaller rival. […]

Tablet ownership doubles over holiday season
According to the Pew Research Group, in the month spanning mid-November to late December of 2011, tablet ownership among Americans aged 16 and older essentially doubled. Notable tablet releases during before the boom include the Kindle Fire and the Nook tablet. The numbers:
A little more on RIM
It’s great that RIM is finally taking action and putting the kibosh on the circus show its two former co-CEOs (still a ridiculous thing to say, co-CEO) were putting. However, both men will be sticking around. I went back and read RIM’s press release and found this little gem: Mike Lazaridis, former Co-Chair and Co-CEO, […]
RIM CEOs step down
Engadget: RIM’s Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis are out, new CEO Thorsten Heins may license BlackBerry 10 Well, it’s about time. Although, I have a bit of a problem with this quote by RIM’s new CEO: BlackBerry 7 has been well received. We are very excited about PlayBook 2.0 and BlackBerry 10. The reception of our […]

Bing overtakes Yahoo as number 2 search engine
In just about two and a half years in existence, Bing has overtaken Yahoo as the second-most popular browser, after the almighty Google of course. It’s important to note that Bing started with around 8.4-percent marketshare after absorbing other Microsoft search engines and services. While that may not be as impressive as starting out fresh, […]
‘I want a glass screen’
New York Times: How U.S. Lost Out on iPhone Work In 2007, a little over a month before the iPhone was scheduled to appear in stores, Mr. Jobs beckoned a handful of lieutenants into an office. For weeks, he had been carrying a prototype of the device in his pocket. Mr. Jobs angrily held up […]

CES: before and after
A very interesting thing happened this year at CES: a few big companies have decided to round off their product lines according to the “three screens” mantra Microsoft made so famous. Vizio, for example, was previously only a television manufacturer. However, after CES they can add desktops and laptops to their resume. Before: After: […]

A visual history of gaming hardware sales
Who doesn’t love a good set of sales figures? Every month they provide fanboys with ammunition to defend their brand as well as a number-crunching session for those with analytical minds. Whatever your reason for enjoying sales figures, you can’t doubt their ability to engross. We all know the usual stuff that can be pulled […]
You may have seen my work at The Daily Get Up, Uberoid, sometimes at my personal blog, and I bet you’re wondering what it is that I’m doing here. In short, this is my latest venture. The Spiral Source is where I’ll be putting down my thoughts and observations on the latest happenings in technology with links, in blurb […]
SOPA bill put down for now
Reuters: Congress puts anti-piracy bills on ice U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith: It is clear that we need to revisit the approach on how best to address the problem of foreign thieves that steal and sell American inventions and products Good job, internet. Maybe Congress will figure out how the internet works next time?
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