by Ousmane Mariko
Ken Levine, Mike Mika, and Dan Daglow on getting into the gaming industry
When it comes to getting into making video games, there are few that know better than Ken Levine, Dan Daglow, and Mike Mika. I was fortunate enough to pick their brains for a few minutes on the matter. The verdict? Get in through Q&A and love what you do. Ken Levine, Irrational Games: You know, […]
Good game design and game art
At the Evolution of Video Games panel at the Smithsonian American Art Museum, I asked a few of the panelists as to which games on the market really impressed them. Ken Levine, Irrational Games: I thought Limbo was a beautiful visual experience because instead of going bigger, and broader, and more colorful, it went the opposite […]

The ‘Evolution of Video Games’ panel
The Smithsonian American Art Museum began their The Art of Video Games exhibit on Friday. The Evolution of Video Games panel, headed by Chris Melissinos, kicked off the festivities with an all-star cast of industry experts. The first panel consisted of pioneers of the gaming industry. In attendance were the following: Mike Mika – Chief Creative […]
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