Electronista: Samsung: image quality would fend off possible Apple TV set
In an interview with Pocket-lint, Samsung audio/video lead Chris Moseley stated the following in response to the rumors of Apple building a TV:
“TVs are ultimately about picture quality,” Moseley said. “How smart they are…great, but let’s face it that’s a secondary consideration. The ultimate is about picture quality and there is no way that anyone, new or old, can come along this year or next year and beat us on picture quality.”
Picture quality?
There hasn’t been a major leap in picture quality in years, and 1080p seems to be here to stay. The next logical move is to make TV’s better at being the center of your home entertainment. Netflix has already proven that streaming content is a real thing now, so unless higher resolutions (at affordable price points and in broadcast technology) are right around the corner how smart one’s TV is cannot be a “secondary consideration.”
Shades of the past, isn’t it?
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