by Ousmane Mariko
Samsung’s Super Bowl ad
Twitter reactions: Dear #samsung, 2001 called. It want’s its #stylus back. #stylus #BringBack1998 Apple has “Research and Development”, Samsung has… a #stylus! #Fail don’t call it a come back #stylus Somehow The Darkness was not the most out of date element of that Samsung ad #stylus And then there’s this quote from a few years […]
HTC: big, bulky LTE phones were kinda sucky
SlashGear: HTC: We “dropped the ball” with oversized LTE phones HTC “dropped the ball” on its 2011 devices, the company’s CFO has admitted, with LTE-equipped handsets simply too thick and offering insufficient battery life. Speaking on the company’s financial results call today, following HTC’s unappealing Q4 2011 results, Chief Financial Officer Winston Yung conceded that HTC […]

Honeywell sues Nest Labs over thermostat patents
Honeywell: The patents are related to, among other things, simplified methods for operating and programming a thermostat including the use of natural language, user interfaces that facilitate programming and energy savings, a thermostat’s inner design, an electric circuit used to divert power from the user’s home electrical system to provide power to a thermostat, […]
Twitter during the Super Bowl
A few interesting tidbits on how people tweeted during the Super Bowl In the final three minutes of the Super Bowl tonight, there were an average of 10,000 Tweets per second. Also: Madonna’s performance during the Super Bowl’s halftime show saw an average of 8,000 Tweets per second for five minutes. And lastly, The highest […]
Netflix original show ‘Lilyhammer’ now available on instant stream
Netflix’s first original show is now available today for Netflix streaming subscribers. I haven’t watched the show yet, but it looks interesting. This is just the start, really, with more original content coming soon. I guess that letter had something to it. “Lilyhammer,” follows New York mobster Frank “The Fixer” Tagliano as he enters the […]
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