by Ousmane Mariko
Interesting Facebook facts
845 million monthly active users as of December 31, 2011, an increase of 39% as compared to 608 million monthly active users as of December 31, 2010. 483 million daily active users on average in December 2011, an increase of 48% as compared to 327 million daily active users in December 2010. Over 425 million […]
Letter from Zuck
In case you haven’t heard, Facebook filed for IPO (initial public offering), meaning the company will be trading publicly in the stock market (as FB for those interested). Below is a letter from Zuck, in which he talks about Facebook’s goals going forward. It’s definitely a good read, if nothing else. Facebook was not originally […]
Professor holds class without cell service or wifi
Time via (LoopInsight): Yale Professor Moves Class to Room Without Wi-Fi. Cue Outrage. The well-known professor tells the Yale Daily News he wanted the darker room so students could see the projected images of art better, enhancing the classroom experience. Add the darker room to the fact there was no wi-fi availability and he had a […]
Cell phones and dating facts
Vancouver Sun (via BGR): Android users more likely to have sex on first date: Survey At 55 per cent, Android users also were the most likely to have one-night stands. According to the survey results, 50 per cent of iPhone users have had a one-night stand and 47.6 per cent of Blackberry users said also they […]
Sticking it to GameStop and giving back to the publisher
Ars Technica: Parcel Gamer wants to share used game profits with publishers At first, the concept behind the site sounds too good to be true. Not only does Kennedy plan to pay “30 percent more for your trade-ins than the corner retail store,” and offer free shipping both ways, but he also promises that used games […]
Facebook stock: ‘Go the f**k to sleep’
All Things D: Go the F**k Back to Sleep, Silicon Valley: Facebook IPO Likely to File Later Today at Earliest If you give a about Facebook’s stock going public today, All Things D claims that it isn’t going to happen “until this afternoon, after the markets close, at the earliest.” It’s expected to boost Facebook’s wealth, […]
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