Today, Verizon announced the the Droid Xyboard tablets, the latest foray into Android tablet realm. The Xyboard comes in the 8.2- and 10.1-inch varieties, LTE connectivity, Gorilla Glass display, dual-core 1.2 GHz processors, front and rear cameras, and mobile hotspot. The Xyboard tablets are shipping with Android 3.2, but Verizon is promising a 4.0 upgrade later on with not much of a committal on a time frame.
Ok, let’s talk about pricing. Spoiler: it’s not good. The tablets start at $429.99. Not only is that more pricey than the WiFi-only models available elsewhere, Verizon requires a 2-year contract. You know, there’s another 3G tablet on the market you can buy that it doesn’t require a contract. Call it luck, but I think it’s sold more than a few units.
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